

Beth Lee

Beth Lee is a homeschooling mom of two homeschool graduates. Beth is also the author of Find Your Homeschool Vibe: How to Homeschool Without Losing Your Mind. Her goal is to help parents enjoy their homeschooling journey and feel confident in their choice to homeschool. Her focus is on helping parents adopt a homeschool mindset that allows for flexibility, love, growth, all while nurturing the love of learning, as that is the primary goal of education. She can be found on the Peaceful Homeschool Podcast as well as Homeschool Vibe Podcast

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Emma Bee

Emma Bee has been married for over 20 years, is a longtime homeschooling mom of three (including two graduates), and a homeschool group organizer for well over a decade. She has created curricula for a PBS show, been featured in a local homeschool article, spoken in various committees in her state legislature, and been a leader in youth group, 4-H, Cub Scouts, and Girl Scouts. She loves spending time with family and friends, playing board games, cooking and baking, going on adventures, making learning fun, building community, and helping others on their homeschool journey - both locally and as co-host of Peaceful Homeschool Podcast